Speaking on Saturday's The Suicide Squad DC FanDome panel, director James Gunn called the movie a sequel to John Ostrander's comics run.
During a panel at DC FanDome, The Suicide Squad director James Gunn called his movie a sequel to the comics. After the first Suicide SquadGuardians of the Galaxy
Gunn’s arrival on the scene was indeed met with a lot of excitement by fans given what he was able to do in capturing the spirit of the Marvel title GuardiansThe Suicide SquadSuicide Squad
In Saturday’s DC FanDome panel for The Suicide SquadSuicide SquadSuicide Squad
“That is an amazing question, one I’m excited to answer because, I actually had a long talk with John Ostrander about this. Because he came and he visited the set. And I said, ‘I don’t think of this movie so much as an adaptation of your comics, I think of this movie as a sequel to your comics, to your run in the comic books.’ What would John Ostrander be doing with these characters if it was thirty years after he first started? And so I think that it has the spirit and the lifeblood of the Ostrander books.”
Gunn of course pointed out that Ratcatcher and Polka-Dot Man are not actually Suicide Squad
Obviously, it’s important for Gunn to emphasize the influence of the comics on his movie, as the main complaint about the original Suicide SquadThe Suicide Squad
Of course, with any big tentpole movie like The Suicide SquadGuardians of the GalaxyThe Suicide Squad the huge success DC is hoping it will be.