John Gray, author of the best selling book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus has recently launched the Ask Mars Venus Coaching program.

With marriage on the decline, have you missed your chance at boarding the matrimonial boat once again? Not at all.
Despite recent statistics that show that the number of divorces are up in the United States — from 390,000 in 1960 to 1.1 million in 2002 — and marriages are down to 1.5 million from 2.3 million over a similar time period — the odds against your marrying again aren’t as dire as the numbers would seem to predict. Here’s why:
Reason #1: We aren’t marrying as young as the couples of previous generations.
Reason #2: We’re testing our relationships through cohabitation prior to tying the knot.
Reason #3: Because a rising number of women have a financial status equal to or greater than their significant others, the need to marry for economic security is not as great as it was in generations past.right
Yes indeed, it’s a new world.
That said, the divorced person seeking love and commitment should use all of these facts and figures to his or her advantage. Here are four tried-and-true rules that ensure your next voyage on the Love Boat will be a long and happy journey:
Rule #1: Make these three lists — and check them each twice.
Rule #2: Don’t rush into the next relationship.
Rule #3: Don’t make concessions for behavior that seems untrustworthy.
Rule #4: Never let the past sabotage your future.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019