How do you cope with your ex finding a new partner when you're still alone?
You just got the news from a trusted source: your ex has a new significant other, and the two of them are quite an “item” among your coterie of friends.
It’s understandable that, upon hearing this news, many emotions would arise: sadness, bitterness, and of course, jealousy. After all, what right has your ex to find happiness with another person before you are able to accomplish that for yourself? And does his/her ability to be happy with someone else mean that your marriage failed because you were the “bad” partner in the relationship?
Everyone — including your ex — should have a second chance at a successful relationship. Does that mean that this current partnership will be that opportunity? Not necessarily. If your ex has not yet addressed the issues that affected your marriage, these same concerns may stand in the way of any future happiness in a relationship.
As to whether their happiness reflects on your divorce, remember this: people form relationships for different reasons at different times in their lives. The reasons you and your ex were attracted to each other, thought through any initial concerns, agreed to exclusivity in your relationship, formed an intimate bond, and later committed to marriage may be irrelevant to the needs and desires you both have today. Whatever tore you apart may have torn any
Now it’s time to put this new development into perspective: does your ex’s new relationship really affect you?
Yes, but for the better. Here are four reasons as to why this is so:
Reason #1: It allows for another kind of closure.
Reason #2: Your friends are your friends regardless of what happens to your ex.
Reason #3: It frees you from any emotional obligations you may have felt toward your ex.
Reason #4: You can now focus on what you can do to make yourself emotionally prepared for your next relationship,
Saturday, November 3, 2018